Research Essay – Paragraph #1

Farzana Khan

April 17, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Essay 3: First Paragraph


Crime, Education, and Politics: Women of Bangladesh


Susan B. Anthony once said, “men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.” Bangladesh is one of the many under-developed countries to take heed of these wise words. Its population is one of the highest in the world, and the gender ratio is higher in females. Bangladesh is also known for being ruled, as of 2016, for the last 25 years by female Prime Ministers by electing Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina. Although the country has been ran by two female leaders, women’s rights issues are still being handled gradually. In the recent years, Bangladesh has been coming forth on acknowledging these problems and a quiet revolution is stirring up. Some examples of these issues are, crimes against women, education of women and the empowerment of women as well.

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Seven Points of Peer Review for Textual Analysis Essay

Farzana Khan

March 25, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Peer Review


  1. Opener– “If the people we love are stolen from us the way to have them live on is never stop loving them.”
  2. Thesis/3 subtopics– “The topics that Poe brings up in his poem are love, the symbol of Annabel Lee, and envy. Also how they are all a factor in losing a loved on and finding a way to cope with that loss.”
  3. Quotes– Missing one quote in each body paragraph.
  4. Transitional Phrases– Only a few transitional words used.
  5. Grammar and Conventions– commas need to be added.
  6. Conclusion– “In conclusion the poem Annabel Lee is a great piece of literature to take into account for anyone who ever has lost anyone because he brings up the topics of love, envy and the symbol of Annabel Lee to be relatable.”
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Textual Analysis Essay – Second Draft

essay 2 draft 2

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Textual Analysis Essay – First Draft

essay 2 draft 1

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Textual Analysis Essay – Paragraph #1

Farzana Khan

March 18, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Poetry Analysis- Draft #2


A Spiritual Awakening

Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Many people use poetry as a form of art. The poet uses voice as a paint brush and words as color being painted on a blank canvas. Poetry can be written in any way, shape, or form. It has no mistakes, wrong answers or rules, and this is what I love about it. Anyone can let their imagination run wild and come up with a piece of art in words. The poet Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi has won a place in my heart for his thoughtful and articulate words that inspire me to a great extent. His poems may capture various events in one’s life, which then one can view from a different perspective. In his poem, “Empty the Glass of Your Desire,” Rumi addresses several intriguing ideas. These ideas come through in many themes, which include value of friendship, giving up our desires, and connecting with God.

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Textual Analysis Essay – Outline

Farzana Khan

May 18, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Textual Analysis Essay – Outline


Introduction:  Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”

Body 1: The poem starts out with a stanza on the theme of friendship. Rumi states, “Join yourself to friends/ and know the joy of the soul.

Body 2: The theme of “giving up desires” is also addressed in this poem. Rumi especially signifies the importance of giving up our worldly desires to reach personal satisfaction.

Body 3: Finally, Rumi addresses the most important theme and that is creating a connection with God. He states, “You keep complaining about others/and all they owe you? /well, forget about them/just be in His presence.”

Conclusion: Overall, Rumi orchestrates a complex and compelling poem for readers who are looking to escape to a different side of reality where we can find ourselves and reach new heights.

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Textual Analysis Essay – poem summary

Farzana Khan

March 27, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Textual Analysis Essay – poem summary


“Empty the Glass of Your Desire” by Rumi

This poem is mainly about giving up ones desires for the better. People in our society now have different goals but some dont have any at all. This poem tells readers to give up worldly desires and look into ourselves and see what is most important in life. Rumi also brings up inviting God into our lives so we do not go astray.

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Rhetorial Situation for Textual Analysis Essay (poem)

Farzana Khan

March 1st 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Rhetorical Situation for essay 2 poem


Purpose: To provoke readers to find a true purpose in life

Audience: young adults/ anyone who is lost in terms of goals and purpose

Genre: Poem

Stance: The benefits in finding purpose in life

Media & Design: Typed poem

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Seven Point of Peer Review for Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan

February 27, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Partner Review: Ervin Ibragimov


  1. Opener

“Roughly 80 percent of people cannot answer this question.”

  1. Thesis Statement

Not included in essay along with three subtopics.

  1. Three Subtopic Paragraphs

Four body paragraphs were used in the essay.

  1. Topic Sentences

There were no topic sentences incorporated in body paragraphs.

  1. Transitional Phrases

Transitional phrases were needed but not used.

  1. Grammar and Conventions

Grammar was fair, conventions were used but some incorrectly.

  1. Conclusion

Since thesis was not used in introduction and I could not find in conclusion. Lead out was acceptable.

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Partner’s new Stance for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan

March 1st, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Partner New Stance


Stance: In my partner’s essay, he writes about the troubles of searching for a purpose within his life. The audience that would be most suitable would be someone who is lost in life and who is also looking for a new purpose. The difficulties of living with one’s self without a purpose is like not living at all and we should strive to find our goals for our own happiness.

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