Author Archives: Farzana Khan

Research Essay – Paragraph #1

Farzana Khan April 17, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Essay 3: First Paragraph   Crime, Education, and Politics: Women of Bangladesh   Susan B. Anthony once said, “men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.” Bangladesh is one … Continue reading

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Seven Points of Peer Review for Textual Analysis Essay

Farzana Khan March 25, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Peer Review   Opener– “If the people we love are stolen from us the way to have them live on is never stop loving them.” Thesis/3 subtopics– “The topics that Poe brings up … Continue reading

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Textual Analysis Essay – Second Draft

essay 2 draft 2

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Textual Analysis Essay – First Draft

essay 2 draft 1

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Textual Analysis Essay – Paragraph #1

Farzana Khan March 18, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Poetry Analysis- Draft #2   A Spiritual Awakening Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Many people use poetry as a … Continue reading

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Textual Analysis Essay – Outline

Farzana Khan May 18, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Textual Analysis Essay – Outline   Introduction:  Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” Body 1: The poem starts out with a stanza … Continue reading

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Textual Analysis Essay – poem summary

Farzana Khan March 27, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Textual Analysis Essay – poem summary   “Empty the Glass of Your Desire” by Rumi This poem is mainly about giving up ones desires for the better. People in our society now have different … Continue reading

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Rhetorial Situation for Textual Analysis Essay (poem)

Farzana Khan March 1st 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Rhetorical Situation for essay 2 poem   Purpose: To provoke readers to find a true purpose in life Audience: young adults/ anyone who is lost in terms of goals and purpose Genre: Poem … Continue reading

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Seven Point of Peer Review for Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan February 27, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Partner Review: Ervin Ibragimov   Opener “Roughly 80 percent of people cannot answer this question.” Thesis Statement Not included in essay along with three subtopics. Three Subtopic Paragraphs Four body paragraphs were used … Continue reading

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Partner’s new Stance for Paragraph #1 of Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan March 1st, 2016 Eng 1121-0465 Partner New Stance   Stance: In my partner’s essay, he writes about the troubles of searching for a purpose within his life. The audience that would be most suitable would be someone who is … Continue reading

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