Seven Point of Peer Review for Personal Narrative Essay

Farzana Khan

February 27, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Partner Review: Ervin Ibragimov


  1. Opener

“Roughly 80 percent of people cannot answer this question.”

  1. Thesis Statement

Not included in essay along with three subtopics.

  1. Three Subtopic Paragraphs

Four body paragraphs were used in the essay.

  1. Topic Sentences

There were no topic sentences incorporated in body paragraphs.

  1. Transitional Phrases

Transitional phrases were needed but not used.

  1. Grammar and Conventions

Grammar was fair, conventions were used but some incorrectly.

  1. Conclusion

Since thesis was not used in introduction and I could not find in conclusion. Lead out was acceptable.

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