10 points Debate Stance

Farzana Khan

May 23, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

10 point Debate Stance- Pro Identity Theft


  1. Why do you think it is not okay to steal someones identity?
  2. How do you lower the chances of getting caught?
  3. What if I steal a millionaires identity?
  4. I cant find a job and I’m broke, what if I steal someones identity to get a job?
  5. What if I steal a frauds identity?
  6. Would it make us even?
  7. What state in the U.S has the most cases of identity theft?
  8. What is the first step to steal an identity?
  9. What if I accidentally open someones mail?
  10. What if i was framed for stealing someones identity?
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