Seven Points of Peer Review for Textual Analysis Essay

Farzana Khan

March 25, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Peer Review


  1. Opener– “If the people we love are stolen from us the way to have them live on is never stop loving them.”
  2. Thesis/3 subtopics– “The topics that Poe brings up in his poem are love, the symbol of Annabel Lee, and envy. Also how they are all a factor in losing a loved on and finding a way to cope with that loss.”
  3. Quotes– Missing one quote in each body paragraph.
  4. Transitional Phrases– Only a few transitional words used.
  5. Grammar and Conventions– commas need to be added.
  6. Conclusion– “In conclusion the poem Annabel Lee is a great piece of literature to take into account for anyone who ever has lost anyone because he brings up the topics of love, envy and the symbol of Annabel Lee to be relatable.”
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