Research Essay – Outline

Farzana Khan

May 18, 2016

Eng 1121-0465

Research Essay Outline


Introduction: Susan B. Anthony once said, “men, their rights, and nothing more; women, their rights, and nothing less.”

Body 1 subtopic A: Crimes against women are growing rampant in recent years.

Body 1 subtopic B: Acid attacks are gaining rapid popularity since the chemical is easily accessible in Bangladesh.

Body 1 Subtopic C: Dowry crimes are also growing widespread due to economic hard times, and high unemployment rate.

Body 2 Subtopic A: Bangladesh falls short on educating women due to many underlying issues, which are, familial income, gender inequality, and early marriage. Familial income plays a huge role in educating young females.

Body 2 Subtopic B: Gender inequality also has a substantial effect on women’s education.

Body 2 Subtopic C: Early marriages are the final and most consequential reason of women’s lack of education in Bangladesh.

Body 3 Subtopic A: Although women are facing tough times in crimes, and education, their presence in Bangladeshi politics are as important.

Body 3 Subtopic B: Despite playing the role of only a housewife, women are slowly being empowered to do much more.

Conclusion: Women of Bangladesh have many more obstacles to cross before reaching justice and equality in the areas of crime, education and politics.

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