
Within our years of being a college student most of us are required to take a course that pertains us having an intensive writing class. A research paper never fails from being a part of that final grade. The hardest part for many of us when starting this research paper is not only narrowing down our topics but finding the accurate sources which relate to our questions. Colleges offer us a system to use called a database, the fault in this is not all of these help us to narrow down keywords which appear within our works. Our job is to create Professor Dots( database operating translation system) an effective voice translating application which links directly to the database called “Academic Search Complete”. This application will allow college student’s to speak their question directly to the phone and it will filter your voice finding the keywords addressed in the question, inputting it into the scholarly database.

So what exactly is a database? This is a tool that allows students to search through collections of  scholarly works using refined keywords and able to search multiple fields at once. For example propose you are doing a research paper on the death penalty; you can input death penalty as a keyword with the sub topics in a region such as new york or/and the US. Using vocabulary control and limitation to those keywords the database will filter works that have to do with those topics or can have those words used in certain articles. If the person decides to not use sub topics a fault of this can be that the articles/information found may be too broad of a subject which can give you things that do not even relate into the answer of the question you are looking to find. Therefor not many databases gives a person the availability to refine their keywords.

The two largest faults we experience while using a database is the controlled vocabulary and the limitations we face after selecting our keywords. When using a certain database as the academic search complete that we are using, they each have certain articles and journals that they are limited to regarding your topic. Then not only may that be an issue but as well as the keywords you choose to use narrows down the articles even more concentrating on your area of focus; this is where the controlled vocabulary becomes an issue. Databases having a controlled vocabulary picks and chooses whether the article speaks about the topic you are searching or if it mentions your words. This was an issue many of us faces which is when sometimes having sub topics makes our searches much more clear for the database to pick up.

Databases are useful for college students because of the wide array of data that  can be accessed at their fingertips. Students attending  college in various location  can search a lot of information with a single click. This can be done by typing in a keyword search or phrase. This is when the magic begins, in seconds links pops up in front of the user eyes. College student can use  a database search to generate a vast amount of  information and sources  through a single search. Advanced search database  helps the college students organize the collected data in a concise manner. This  kind of database search helps refine the criteria and limits unwanted links.

IVRS stands for Interactive voice response systems. It can connect database users with the information they need, from anywhere at any time. J.Clark describes that the IVR industry has improved in speech algorithms, natural language processing, vocabulary management, and language modeling. Natural language applications enable recognition of more complex phrases and sentences spoken in a questionable manner at natural speed. College students can benefit from this because they can access our database by speaking into it and just getting exactly what they ask for. For example, a student can ask a question like “How many death penalties occurred in New York?” And our speech enabling system known as Professor Dots would respond by saying, “Looking for how many death penalties occurred in New York…The death penalty in New York has increased by 5 percent according to the New York State county jail.”

As we can recognize even by our own experiences a research paper contains many difficulties that we have to overcome, our voice enabled application allows us to make this a little easier for us. Not only does this allow us to find scholarly works which are useful when writing an academic paper but allows our users to refine their searchers with a database that is actually useful for their works, not just random information that wouldn’t be useful.They wouldn’t even have to know what keywords to put because it will take them right out of the question they ask. After our application is created and available for others to use students should find having to write research papers a little easier than what they use to be.

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