Citation Problems? James Raszkiewicz, Savion Franklin, Kevin Gaul

APA Citation Source Summary

The source used for the APA style is, the library website for Cornell University. This website helps by showing examples on how to cite or develop references for different formats, such as journals, articles, or newspapers in different citation styles. APA (American Psychological Association) is a citation style primarily used for works related to the social sciences (Psychology, sociology, or social work) and shares some similarities with other citation styles, like the Modern Language Association style (MLA). The page starts by defining the APA style and it’s usage, then talks about how citations are referenced in text, which is the author(s), pages, and the year of publication, surrounded by parentheses, following a sentence or paragraph in which the citation is referencing. The page also includes the details of the reference list for articles in journals, magazines, & newspapers: list of authors names in alphabetical order by last names, last name and initials for all authors, capitalizing only the first word of a title, etc.

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