3 Questions

1. Will we have more than the Texual Analysis Essay and the Final Project? Or will we be given more essays to write?

2. I see that each class has a certain author we will be discussing. Is that subject to change?

3. I also see that on May 6th and May 8th it says presentations. What will we be presenting?


What Is Fiction?: Group Work January 30, 2013

Group 1: Marisa, et. al

Not real.  It could be an art, a fantasy, imagination.  Stories.  Movies.  Reflects culture.  Opens possibilities to what might happen.

Group 2: Nicole, et al.

exaggeration, story, real, made up

Group 3: Mark, et al.

four definitions: similar, but what is the theme?  events that can be motivated by true life that might not be true, images, imaginary, authors imagination in works

Group 4: Mariah, et al.

Fiction is fabricated stories that expands our minds in a few pages

Group 5: Misha, et al.

Fiction is a literary use of imagination.  Fiction is an exaggeration of reality.  May connect or not connect to reality.

Group 6:  Ben, et al.

Fiction is reality, realism, too real, make-believe, writers create a world, real/fictional.  fact/fiction

Group 7: Jessica, et al.

Imagination of the artist told in a story.

Group Work Directions!

Choose a note-taker
Choose a presenter
Choose an Open Lab Group Blogger
Choose and Open Lab Group Blogger Editor (1-2)

As a group, please discuss what you wrote in response to the question What Is Fiction?  Did you all define the term the same way?  Yes or no?  If yes, what was the definition?  If no, what were the multiple definitions and how do these definitions differ?

Meesh :)


My name is Misha Billinghurst. This is my 6th semester at tech/upper junior. I’m currently in the hospitality managment program and trying to become an international chef. I love cooking but I hate baking -_-. I’m 20 years old and and a Soror at Delta Sigma Chi Sorority Inc. 🙂

What is fiction?

Fiction. To me, thats a whole other world of literature to enter. It’s a way in which authors create very imaginative things to tell a somewhat real story if you understand what I mean. It’s like fiction has that Surreal reality to it. Its like the inbetween of non-fiction and Fantasy. That’s the way I see it.