
My name is Ben and I am an Advertising Design Major.  am currently a freelance web developer with a small group of classmates that have formed a small business to encompass web development, logo design, SEO, web marketing and many other areas.

What is fiction, to me?

In the world of fiction the author is a puppeteer creating a play for us the “readers” enjoyment, metaphorically speaking. Through the perspective of the author fiction could be a way without limitations to express there own ideas. Those ideas could be influenced by culture of that time or place, personal conflicts and sacrifices. Reading fiction is both a way to experience reality and different perspectives of it.

What is Fiction?

To me fiction is a genre of stories made up by others creativity and imagination. Fiction shows creative thinking and the ability to think of something you haven’t seen before. Fiction is powerful because it gives you the ability to make it anything you want and leave out everything you dont. Best part of fiction? Is writing it and joy of making your own story then having the ability to share a world you created with strangers and hopefully they enjoy it also!

Three Questions

1.  How open is the syllabus reading list to be changed a text or two into a reading the class all agrees on?

2. What exactly is peer review? I know its others reading your work but will we be graded on their judgment?

3. I saw Edgar Allen Poe was going to be reading. Can you explain which story of his it will be?

My questions on the syllabus

1. It mentions that we have a “Textual Analysis Essay (4-5 pages) ” is that only one essay or the format of the essay we will have to write?

2. The novel reading journal, is that reading a book we choose to read or a class selected passage?

3. Will we have the option to revise essays?

My Introduction

My name is Jessica.This is my second year at City Tech. I’m a Liberal Arts Major. I’m considering the healthcare field. I’m not exactly sure what direction I want to go within it. There are so many different opportunities and branches to go into. My personal interest would be computers,reading and psych theories of behaviorism and reasons for acting how we act. But academically wise I’m best at Science,English,Math. I hope this class will be beneficial in learning different taste of books outside of things I usually read and open me to new readings!

Mark Luczak

Hello, my name it Mark and my major is Art and Advertising. The only things I can say about myself without sounding like I’m making an application on a dating site -_-. I’m really interested in different types of art from fine art, graphic design, and many more.


1. I read in the syllabus that we will be doing textual analysis, will be using rhetorical devices or strategies?

2. Are we going to be given a list to chose a novel from or is this solely based on our preference?

3. Will we only be doing peer review, or will there be group work also?