Monthly Archives: January 2013

What is Fiction?

Fiction is any story exaggerated from something that could be possible. We should read fiction because it can be entertaining. Even though it is fake, the stories are ones we enjoy  because they give us a glimpse into lives we wish we had, lives we can have, or a fantasy reality that is so far fetched we can only dream of it.

What is fiction?

To me, fiction is a genre that may have started with Literature and then expanded to Film and any moving media. The situations that take place here are not doable in “reality”, and I think that is the interesting thing about this genre. Even though many people believe this kind of material is not as important because it doesn’t copy reality, I believe it reflects a society, and the zeigeist of certain time or place. Personally, I use this genre (reading it or writing it) to scape from reality, I think is like a good drug…

Melissa Hart

My name is Melissa hart, I’m a CIS major. This is only my third semester at city tech and I have switched my major once.  I am currently reading The Kill Order by James Dashner. if anyone knows any good horror/adventurer/fantasy books I would like to hear about it.


I’m Veronica Silva, my major is Advertising Design. I’m mexican, and I’ve been living in the USA for 2 and a half years now. Back in Mexico I started my major in Literature, but I decided to change to Design and keep Literature as a hobby. I like to read and write in spanish mostly, so I see this course as an opportunity to learn more about Anglo Literature.

What is Fiction

Fiction is a genre of literature that involves events and people that are not real. However, I see fiction as an important genre to be read and studied. Often, there are a lot of lessons and morals to be learned from fictional works. Authors tend to use fiction as a medium through which  they can express their views and convey important messages, a task that would be more difficult to do through non-fiction or other genres. In addition, since works of fiction are not factual and are not bound by the constraints or real life events, they tend to take us places and allow us to experience events that we wouldn’t be able to see or feel otherwise.