Monthly Archives: January 2013

Group Work Directions!

Choose a note-taker
Choose a presenter
Choose an Open Lab Group Blogger
Choose and Open Lab Group Blogger Editor (1-2)

As a group, please discuss what you wrote in response to the question What Is Fiction?  Did you all define the term the same way?  Yes or no?  If yes, what was the definition?  If no, what were the multiple definitions and how do these definitions differ?

Meesh :)


My name is Misha Billinghurst. This is my 6th semester at tech/upper junior. I’m currently in the hospitality managment program and trying to become an international chef. I love cooking but I hate baking -_-. I’m 20 years old and and a Soror at Delta Sigma Chi Sorority Inc. 🙂

What is fiction?

Fiction. To me, thats a whole other world of literature to enter. It’s a way in which authors create very imaginative things to tell a somewhat real story if you understand what I mean. It’s like fiction has that Surreal reality to it. Its like the inbetween of non-fiction and Fantasy. That’s the way I see it.

Three questions

Numero Uno!

What else are we really going to expect from the class other than reading into fictions

Numero Dos!

How boring are these fictions going to be..seriously? (Honestly Hoping its great fictions we look into).

Numero Tres!

With these posts that we create. Will the grade be determined by our reactions to each others posts or will that be elft to the professor? (Not sure If I worded the question right ._. )

They Call Me Sketch :)

Well…The name’s Da-Shaun Murray. I’m 20 and I’m a communication Design Major, though idk why they just don’t call it Animation and Game Design -_-. This is my second semester at Tech. I’m like a super procrastinator which results in me doing this assignment an hour before class starts. I’m a big nerd who loves to read and create comics. I read both japanese and western style comics. I plan on turning my own comics into an Anime or Video Game or both, yea, Ima go with both. I’m a big gamer too (Team XBOX360!!!), but I actually also play football (currently on a semi-pro team) and I skateboard too. uhhhh…what else is there to say? I’m friendly 😀 Lets all do great in this class ^_^


My name is Estefania Lopez , my major is hospitality management this is my 3rd year in this school. I enjoy reading very much. I took films and literature before this class and I love reading a book and then comparing it to the movie, i like how the movie illustrates what I’ve read.