From The Field

On our field trip We went to the NYC Publishing Business Conference&Expo. It was a really cool experience to see all the different companies that still use print. All you hear today is “Print is dead” and that “The computer is destroying print”.  One print company that caught my eye was CJK. CJk is a print business that specializes in binding. That blew me away that there is a business that makes all of there money in binding books together. I later learned that binding is not only important because it holds the pages together, but each type of binding gives the book a certain feel to it and a different way of opening.

Another great business was Readz. Readz was a business about making reading more fun, but not physical book reading but digital book reading. Readz was about making your own customized page. Your page can be set how you want, in any font, size or design. It allows you to control how you read. You can save your articles or even save the topics that you are interested in and more articles will later show up. I thought it was a great idea to allow the reader to read the way he or she enjoys. 

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