Case Studies

Case Study 1

A 38 year old Hispanic Female patient presented to our dental clinic on March 2012. As I was doing the patients dental charting I noticed patient was missing a premolar bilaterally on the Maxilla. So the patient was asked if she ever had braces or had them extracted and her response was no to both questions. Then Patient was recommended a PAN to do a further evaluation and PAN revealed that the patient’s 2nd Premolars were impacted. Patient was informed about her premolars being impacted.


Case Study 2

A 70 year old Caucasian Female was my patient in February 2013 & May 2013. She is a regular patient here at NYCCT. Patient has a past history of having necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis(Trench Mouth). Patient presented with generalized recession and abfraction. Patient is only missing # 1, 15, 16, 17, & 32. PAN reveals generalized bone loss with severe bone loss on # 14. Clinically tooth #14 the roots are exposed. Patient has always requested hand scaling to be done. This case was unique to me because it was my first exposure to a patient with Perio Type III & localized Perio type IV.