Community Service

Give Kids A Smile Day

On February 2013, I was able to participate in “Give Kids A Smile Day”. In which I saw an 8 year old girl. I evaluated her mixed dentition and evaluated if she was caries active. It was a wonderful 1st experience to have a young patient in my dental chair.


Fluoride Varnish Program

In the fluoride varnish program we visited local Head-Start Programs. Throughout these visits we saw children ages of 4-5 years old with varying degrees of dental needs.. We assessed and determined if children had Early Childhood Caries and with parental consent applied 5% fluoride varnish . This was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed helping and teaching the children about the healthy food choices they can make to keep their teeth caries free. 

One thought on “Community Service

  1. In the fluoride varnish program we visited local Head-Start Programs. Throughout these visits we saw children ages of 4-5 years old with varying degrees of dental needs.. We assessed and determined if children had Early Childhood Caries and with parental consent applied 5% fluoride varnish . This was a wonderful experience and I enjoyed helping and teaching the children about the healthy food choices they can make to keep their teeth caries free.

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