Educational Technology in The Classroom

This section of my ePortfolio is a research revision project. Here, I am expanding upon my previous research where I find lasting effects on education through the use of technology. While many people find the use of technology for education to have its inconveniences and negative effects, I believe that my research will disprove this idea and provide information how technology can bring about accessibility on a global scale. Many negative perspectives on educational technology come from teachers, as they find that students who use any sort of technology in the classroom could be distracted rather putting themselves to the objective of learning. I think that this is due to teachers believing that students can only learn through the methods the teachers enforce. However, students are becoming more and more visual learners because of the sources they have in order to learn inside and outside of the classroom. If anything, I find that visual learning has become the most effective way for students to learn because technology is only growing over time. My research, overall, is to present the idea that technology can make learning more efficient and more effective in the long run.