English 3771

1. Portfolio Document#1- Case Statement

What I most importantly want to emphasize is the idea of making fitness for everyone. I want to offer a gym that eliminates those negative thought and offers positive result. In this document I realized that I could have thought of a business idea, in anything that could of captured my interest. I did find this to be difficult to think of, but I enjoyed the way it came together with the fitness subject.

case statement

2. Portfolio Document#2- Your Value Proposition

The document speaks about my value and making it something I could use to obtain a position. I learned what I could offer which was difficult to find out because I’ve never made time to think about it.it was very difficult to write this because I wasn’t sure what to really say. I did however feel most proud of this assignment and do plan to use this in the future.

Your Value Proposition 2

3. Portfolio Document#3- Resume and Cover Letter

The strongest feature of my resume and cover letters was the enthusiasm I offer and using it to be my biggest asset. My biggest challenge was to find out what I could offer, but I did use my personality as my most unique characteristic. And with this I truly feel it best represents me in who I am for someone that wouldn’t know me.

Resume cover-letter-1 cover-letter-2

4. Portfolio Document#4-Student Choice

This brochure is an informative way of preventing the need for an attorney to write a Will. The skills I’ve obtained while doing this brochure was a broaden knowledge in my major in the subject of wills.. What I offer isn’t the same as most because I use my personality as part of what makes me unique to the view on the law and its work, rather than just experience. This was my best work because for a while I was meditating on what I could say to be different.

Student Choice




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