All posts by farisaahmed

“Pearl of Africa” Abstract & Description


We are in an era where humans gain knowledge from various mediums like smart screens, television, phones etc. Therefore, instead of handing out a brochure this project has to give audiences a chance to learn in a more immersive manner. The display will use back projection and a gesture controlled interface in which users are detected by a motion sensor. My goal is for guests to become more aware of Uganda’s wonders rather than its plunders depicted in mainstream media, but in a fashion that people either have or are adapting to.


After seeing a video of a window display done by Nuformer projection, I began research on how to accomplish a similar project. I learned a program called Max MSP/Jitter in which parameters for this project can be programmed. Also, last semester, emerging media students made an interactive mixer where guests could control volume among other features using gestures.

The startling story of abduction and child soldiering in Africa with a glimmer of hope was brought to me and became this project’s foundation. “Forged in Fire,” is a play about war in Uganda and how it has affected people, specifically youth living there; it also addresses foreign perspectives. Okello Sam, writer of the play, would like to emphasize Uganda’s beauty and not only it’s turmoil. Getting Okello’s message across is the main objective of this culmination project.

This project falls into the category of emerging media as there will be video and programming interactive elements. Content will be back projected onto a glass window in the Voorhees Lobby. The detection of users’ location and motion will be done by Microsoft’s Kinect. Max MSP/Jitter will enable us to manipulate data from the sensor. Users may interact with gestures such as the swipe of a hand leading to the next image.

My role in this project will be to design this system. Guests who come to watch “Forged in Fire” and see the information display hopefully leave with a different point of view on Uganda. This display will also be used to draw attention to the fundraiser taking place affiliated with Hope North a school founded by Okello Sam for children who have been rescued from tragedy. Through music and dance students are given a brighter future, an opportunity to heal and live a childhood filled with happiness.