Head Start Program

On the April 4, 2017

Head Start Center:

Neptune Center in Brooklyn 🙂 🙂

Our goal was to provide oral health education and introduce basic dental care information to younger children. The material would cover information from how to clean their teeth by brushing and flossing to good nutrition, which are going to help them maintain good oral health in order to prevent caries.

We taught the children what kinds of food are healthy foods and unhealthy foods, and how they can affect on our teeth. We also mentioned that all food are good but some food can make your teeth sick such as candy, chocolate and some snacks.

Patient education is very important step in dental care. A successful dental care plan will depend on the patient’s cooperation and behavioral change. We have to motive them for changing the bad behaviors and compliant the oral hygiene instructions at home. Participating (Tell- Show-Do) in an experience can lead to learning retention. The children can better understand what we want to teach them about a good oral hygiene. 

On April 27, 2017  in Brooklyn

Head Start – Varnish