Category Archives: Uncategorized

VRAY Settings You Tube Video

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Midterm Requirements

Mid review presentation requirements

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Naming PDF files into drop box

To all students Please Type the correct NAMING FORMAT example: Valdez_F15_Somayeh-Ghorbani (P01.0) Valdez_F15_Somayeh-Ghorbani (P01.1) Valdez_F15_Somayeh-Ghorbani (P01.2) Please  use the correct names, numbers, and Project Number.  I see a lot of mistakes. Be consistent.  (P01.0) I named and numbered the folders … Continue reading

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Week 1 Reading have been posted

Dear students, the required week 1 reading have been posted in OpenLab please click on the reading tab to find the PDF. Please read these reading to help you do homework #1.

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