About Me

My name is Emily Wong. I will be graduating from the DH program in a few weeks. The feeling of accomplishing this program is exhilarating. However, this was a very unexpected career choice for me. All of my high school years and most of the first 2 years of my college career I was head strong on completing my accounting and then eventually my international business degree. At the age of 16, I started working at a firm called YouCast. They offered me, a mere high school student, excellent opportunists and a goal to become a business woman. However, I didn’t find the business world to be a good fit for myself. That’s when I started to do my research to find my passion. After speaking to numerous people and doing a lot of research I came to a conclusion that I want to do something in the medical field. How did I come to that conclusion? I have no idea. Business and Medicine were on complete opposite ends of the spectrum for me. But I had to try. I had to find my passion. So I applied to a few medical related jobs: secretary at a clinic, radiology clinic and a dental office. A dental office in queens hired me and that’s when my world was changed.

Dr. Tam showed me what it meant to be a health care provider. He was professional, gentle, informative, ethical, and respectful. He taught me everything I needed to know as a dental assistant and MORE. There were many times where he didn’t have to explain the extensive procedures he was doing, but he did. He showed pride and passion with his work and that made me want to stride to be just like him. That’s when I decided to further my education as a dental hygienist.