Philosophy Statement

Philosophy Statement

My philosophy as a nurse is to recognize my patients as humans first and treating their ailments as sick people second, to not let the disease identify the patient but to view the patient as someone who happens to have an illness. I want to combine the art of caring with the science of empirical knowledge. I will try to never fall into complacency and rely on clinical expertise alone but to include evidence based practice when it comes to the care of my patients. To be able to recognize and comprehend the disease process of the illnesses that commonly affect my patients. To move from a time of high prevalent diseases plaguing patients to an era of prevention. Provide guidance and information to patients so they can make better and more informed health choices. I want to learn and grow as a nurse as I will continue to be an access point of resources for patients. I want to be the listening ear, warm presence, caring touch, unconditional kindness and compassionate heart for those I care for. I will always strive to recognize my own shortcomings and learn from them. I want to maintain the integrity of my work as a nurse by evaluating my own personal biases and make sure they don’t interfere with my nursing. To be a culturally sensitive nurse where I learn and respect the different cultural values, beliefs, and practices of the many patients I will come to encounter. Becoming and growing as a nurse will be accompanied by a wealth of knowledge and with that comes a responsibility to share such knowledge with the nurses that will come behind me, a duty I will gladly take on.