Lab Description:
This Lab was by far the most intricate as it incorporated the previous two labs and required the utilization of inheritance. The lab required making 3 classes, 2 of which inherited the 1st class. Afterwards a main method was supposed to implement the methods from the above mentioned classes and create a program which as the previous labs printed out statistical data regarding Temperature and a new Statistical data similar to the temperature statistical data structure called humidity. Additionally a feature for the user was added to allow random selection. This lab was very troublesome to accomplish to its length and confusing inheritance requirement.
//Yevgeniy Babkin CET 3640 Lab#3 Inheritance import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner; public class SensorsStatsApp { //objects static TemperatureSensor tempsensor = new TemperatureSensor(); static HumiditySensor humiditysensor = new HumiditySensor(); private static Scanner userinput; //main executable statement public static void main(String[] args) { int seasonType; int humdityType; do { displayTempMenu(); seasonType = getInput(1); displayHumidityMenu(); humdityType = getInput(2); triggerSimulation(seasonType, humdityType); } while (true); } // cleaner better code possible due to this extra method static void triggerSimulation(int seasonType, int humdityType){ int n,temperature=0,humidity=0; int totalTemp=0, firstTemp=0, lowTemp=100, highTemp=0, lastTemp=0; int totalHumidity=0, firstHumidity=0, lowHumidity=100, highHumidity=0, lastHumidity=0; double avgTemp=0, avgHumidity=0; boolean seasonRandom = false, humidityRandom = false; Random r = new Random(); if(seasonType ==5){ seasonType = r.nextInt(4 + 1) + 1; seasonRandom = true; } if(humdityType ==4){ humdityType = r.nextInt(3 + 1) + 1; humidityRandom = true; } System.out.println("How many simulations would you like to generate? : "); n=getInput(3); //For loop - to generate random numbers and statistics of those numbers for(int i = 0;i<n;i++){ temperature = getSeasonTemp(seasonType); humidity = getHumidity(humdityType); //Calculating Statistics for Temperature if (i == 0) { //on the first iteration firstTemp = temperature; //first equals temp } if (temperature < lowTemp) { //if temp is less than lowest (pass the first time since lowest equals 999) lowTemp = temperature; //lowest equals temp } if (temperature > highTemp) { highTemp = temperature; } lastTemp = temperature; totalTemp = totalTemp + temperature; avgTemp = totalTemp/n; //calculate current average //Calculating statistics for humidity if (i == 0) { firstHumidity = humidity; } if (humidity < lowTemp) { lowHumidity = humidity; } if (humidity > highTemp) { highHumidity = humidity; } lastHumidity = humidity; totalHumidity = totalHumidity + humidity; avgHumidity = totalHumidity/n; //calculate current average n++; i++; } System.out.println("\n\n---------------Statistics---------------"); System.out.print("\nSeason: "); if(seasonRandom) System.out.print("Random:"); System.out.println(getSeasonName(seasonType)); System.out.println("1 First temperature generated: "+firstTemp); System.out.println("2 Last temperature generated: "+lastTemp); System.out.println("3 Lowest temperature generated: "+lowTemp); System.out.println("4 Highest temperature generated: "+highTemp); System.out.println("5 Total sum of all temperatures generated: "+totalTemp); System.out.println("6 Average for the season: "+avgTemp); System.out.print("\nHumidity Type: "); if(humidityRandom) System.out.print("Random:"); System.out.println(getHumidityName(humdityType)); System.out.println("1 First humidity reading generated: "+firstHumidity); System.out.println("2 Last humidity reading generated: "+lastHumidity); System.out.println("3 Lowest humidity reading generated: "+lowHumidity); System.out.println("4 Highest humidity reading generated: "+highHumidity); System.out.println("5 Total sum of all humidity readings generated: "+totalHumidity); System.out.println("6 Average humidity reading: "+avgHumidity); System.out.println("\n"); } static int getSeasonTemp(int seasonType) { switch (seasonType) { case 1: return tempsensor.getWinterTemp(); case 2: return tempsensor.getSpringTemp(); case 3: return tempsensor.getSummerTemp(); case 4: return tempsensor.getFallTemp(); } return 0; } static int getHumidity(int humdityType) { switch (humdityType) { case 1: return humiditysensor.getHumidity(); case 2: return humiditysensor.getLowHumidity(); case 3: return humiditysensor.getHighHumidity(); } return 0; } static String getSeasonName(int seasonType) { switch (seasonType) { case 1: return "Winter"; case 2: return "Spring"; case 3: return "Summer"; case 4: return "Fall"; } return null; } static String getHumidityName(int humdityType) { switch (humdityType) { case 1: return "Full"; case 2: return "Low"; case 3: return "High"; } return null; } static void displayTempMenu() { System.out.println("Choose a Season to simulate:"); System.out.println("(1) Winter"); System.out.println("(2) Spring"); System.out.println("(3) Summer"); System.out.println("(4) Fall"); System.out.println("(5) Random"); System.out.println("(6) Exit"); } static void displayHumidityMenu() { System.out.println("Choose Humdity range:"); System.out.println("(1) Full Range"); System.out.println("(2) Low Range"); System.out.println("(3) High Range"); System.out.println("(4) Random"); System.out.println("(5) Exit"); } static int getInput(int menu) { int option = 0; boolean inputError = true; userinput = new Scanner(; do { try { option = Integer.parseInt(userinput.nextLine()); if (option > 6) { System.out.println("Number should be between 1 - 6"); throw new Exception(); } else if (menu==2 & option>5) { System.out.println("Number should be between 1 - 5"); throw new Exception(); } else{ inputError = false; } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Invalid Entry! Please Enter Integer from 1-6"); userinput.reset(); } } while (inputError); // Exit if user chooses option 6 if( (menu==1 & option >6) ||(menu ==2 & option >5)){ System.out.println("Exiting, Thank You for using this program!"); System.exit(0); } return option; } } //Sensor Class: import java.util.Random; public class Sensor { private int temperature; Random r = new Random(); public int getTemperature() { return temperature; } public void setTemperature() { temperature = r.nextInt(100 + 1); } public void setTemperature(int u) { temperature = r.nextInt(u + 1); } public void setTemperature(int l, int u) { temperature = 1+ r.nextInt(u - 1); } } //Temperature Sensor Class: public class TemperatureSensor extends Sensor { public int getWinterTemp(){ super.setTemperature(20, 40); return super.getTemperature(); } public int getSpringTemp(){ super.setTemperature(40, 70); return super.getTemperature(); } public int getSummerTemp(){ super.setTemperature(70, 90); return super.getTemperature(); } public int getFallTemp(){ super.setTemperature(40, 60); return super.getTemperature(); } } //Humidity Sensor Class: public class HumiditySensor extends Sensor { public int getHumidity(){ super.setTemperature(); return super.getTemperature(); } public int getLowHumidity(){ super.setTemperature(50); return super.getTemperature(); } public int getHighHumidity(){ super.setTemperature(50, 100); return super.getTemperature(); } }