A Conversation: AAS | B. Tech | B. Arch – which degree makes sense for me?
What: This will be an open discussion and Q and A session focusing on the different programs offered by the department. All program directors will be in attendance.
When: Thursday, September 28th @ 12:45 PM
Where: ROOM V – 814
Who should attend: Students who have questions about the different degree programs and who what to become informed about the resources offered by the department.
Discussion topics:
- What are the differences between degree programs offered by the Department of Architectural Technology AAS vs B Tech vs B Arch.
- Eligibility requirements and application information for the B. Arch Program
- Other resources/opportunities the department offers to help prepare you and create connections with the profession:
- Workshops + NYCCT fab
- Pre-internship Programs
- NYAL Mentor Program
- Clubs: AIA, NOMA, Architecture Club ++