Category Archives: Uncategorized

When you add a scale to the original photo, it changes the whole picture. It creates new shapes. It also gives it a whole new outlook.

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My Favorite College Perk

My favorite college perk at the moment, is free Amazon Prime for 6 months. I love to order things on amazon, so getting free 2 day shipping is AMAZING.  Also, we get free streaming and movies on it.

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Why is important or useful to start the design process with thumbnail sketches?

Thumbnail sketches are just like drafts. It’s always good to draft your work so you can continue working and revising it, just to perfect it in the end. Without thumbnails, it will be harder to find a place to start.

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Link: When I first began to read this post, I felt a little insulted because of the way the person critiqued Graphic Design. Then I continued reading more deeply, I soon realized that this person showed how cool graphic design … Continue reading

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1. Write out your design goal, why are you taking the class? My design goal for this class is to boost my creativity. I wan’t my things to stand out, and catch the audiences eye. I am taking this class … Continue reading

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