1. Write out your design goal, why are you taking the class?

My design goal for this class is to boost my creativity. I wan’t my things to stand out, and catch the audiences eye. I am taking this class because it’s required in what I’m majoring. But I am happy that I’m taking it because I need improvement in my art skills, and my graphic skills.

2. what type of work inspires you? what else inspires you?

I don’t really have a type of work that inspires me, just yet. Hopefully throughout time I’ll find something inspirational. But if its unique and stands out from other things, I’ll find it pretty cool. Other things that inspire me are certain singers.

3. what is your preferred design process – how do you like to work?

I love to work on the computer. I can’t draw with a pencil and paper, so I love to design on Photoshop. I’m not a very planned out person. What ever comes to my head, I’ll definitely make something out of it.

4. what types of projects would you be interested in collaborating on?

Something that has to do with  advertising a logo would be awesome.


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