Category Archives: Uncategorized

Final Project “NYSVCN” From Team Big Bang.

Team Members Ian Hodgson Rosa Lee

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Archiving site

This is the site for the sound for multimedia class that I taught in spring 2012. I am going to be pulling this site down to prevent confusion with the currently running course.

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Final Edit of Train Sound Project

Final Sound Project

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Narration for Final Project Hodgson Seasonings (commercial)

  By Creating the Narration this way i was able to edit my film better in connection with the storyboard.  This process also allowed me to adjust the timing of my scenes better. One of the problems that arose from … Continue reading

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As many of you know, I had some trouble collecting the video that I really wanted to use for my final project in this class. However, in a brief search of a couple oddball keywords on YouTube, I came across … Continue reading

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2nd Draft of Final Project

Yulia Rudenko 5/5/2012 This is the 2nd draft of my final project. I plan on intertwining music (possibly drum beats) with the sound effects that are already in the video. 2nd Draft of Final Project

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1st draft to my final project

1st Draft of Final Project I have begun editing the sound to my Final project. This is only a first draft, and will have more work to show soon. I am finding the direction I want to go in with … Continue reading

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Retake on (Javier Herrera) the The Face of Deliverance by Kevin and Myrtle

The Face of Deliverance Courtesy of our fellow class mate (Javier Herrera) we will be working on a video clipping that is approximately a minute and 30 seconds long (The Face of Deliverance). The Face of Deliverance video consists of … Continue reading

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Proposal for Final Project

At first I wanted my project to represent a calm relaxing feel by using moving images of whale or dolphin pods in the ocean; a serene moment of hearing birds and soothing wind, but then I realized the sounds I used … Continue reading

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Final Project Proposal

For my final project, I plan on making a “recut” comedic trailer for a movie. Originally I had planned on doing a movie like “Reservoir dogs”, or “Pulp Fiction” in which the trailer is set to happy melodic music, almost … Continue reading

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