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15 Responses to Assignments

  1. stanlowe007 says:

    D.O.A. sound edit list…. 1959 2minutes:
    – Man talking to woman on phone…..
    – music in background/soft….
    -shot goes to woman, saying “Nothing to ever feel guilty about…”!
    -shot goes to man – music /background dies down- in other room people partying….- & -chatter, and dance music is elevated…. Man on phone is loudest sound…
    – Man hangs up phone….. (phone being hung up is loudest sound ..)
    – shot switches to woman…. with soft music in background….& she kisses phone and —— music/background gets louder……
    – shot switches back to man sounds as he lights cigarette, – striking match. dance partying music in background…….
    Edit list done by, Stan Lowe Jr.
    Feb. 28th 2012
    Sounds for Multimedia…..

  2. vivianivilas says:

    D.O.A. sound list:
    1:04:50 background music. Two men inside a car
    1:04:53 background music fades down

    • vivianivilas says:

      1:04:54 – dialog between two men
      1:05:17 – dialog stops background music fades up
      1:05:22- background sound of street traffic
      1:05:30 – dialog between the two men starts again in the car
      1:06:41 – sound of a car suddenly stopping
      1:06:49 – change of location
      1:07:10 – the two men running towards a coffee shop
      1:07:15- gun shots inside a coffee shop.

  3. starts @ 4:19

    phone rings
    woman talk on phone
    man answer woman
    man closes draw
    man picking up papers from desk
    man and woman talking
    man still picking up papers/ putting it in suitcase
    man/woman continue talking
    woman raises her voice and walks away
    shuts door behind her

  4. ypavlutskyy says:

    D.O.A sound cue list 51:48-53:48

    51:43 background music
    51:47 car pulling in
    51:48 tires squeak
    51:57 footsteps
    52:00 dialogue
    52:04 chair squeaking
    52:34 drawer opens off screen
    52:54 money rattling
    52:59 Background music
    53:10 paper rattling
    53: 11 door opens
    53:13 door closes
    53:16 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:23 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:26 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:29 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:35 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:42 gun shot/bullet noise
    53:59 door opens

  5. javier says:


    If I should ever work on a major blockbuster hollywood project, you’re my man.


  6. cstaton says:

    Notes: In this film music is used to build suspense and convey tension, however, in the scene I chose the lack of music is also used to build suspense. Music is strategically placed in this scene to heighten the tension that’s built throughout.

    Scene name: Unknown Assailant
    Start Time: 54:00
    54:00 Frank runs into an empty warehouse, but he isn’t alone:
    (2) sets of footsteps, Frank’s in the foreground and someone’s in the distance.

    54:13 Birds being disturbed
    Wings flapping frantically

    54:23 Something crashes through the roof.
    Loud crashing noise.

    54:27 Frank shoots up toward roof and begins to run
    Gun shots, footsteps on staircase

    54:44 Frank continues to run but is startled by a noise

    54:54 Something drops
    Sound of a steep pipe or a heavy bottle

    55:00 Both Frank and the unknown person are both running
    back to (2) to sets of footsteps.

    55:15 Frank stops to peer out of a window, looking down notices a matchbook from
    the jazz club Fisherman.
    Jazz music begins to play (lady singing).

    55:21 Music starts to fade, something is opening
    door opens.

    55:27 The assailant is running and Frank follows in pursuit

    55:28 missed them
    Door closes shut

    55:43 Frank runs outside behind the unknown person but they get away.
    Car engine starts up and drives away.

    Scene End Time: 55:50

  7. ypavlutskyy says:

    Night of the Living Dead sound cue list

  8. ypavlutskyy says:

    Night of the Living Dead sound cue list
    01:07:27-Ben puts down the rifle
    01:07:35 a thump
    01:07:36 squeak, background music starts
    01:07:51 throws a hammer on the floor
    01:07:54 a thump
    01:07:57 a thump
    01:07:58 a thump
    01:08:03 a cricket starts chirping
    01:08:12 window opens
    01:08:20 zombie noise
    01:08:24 footsteps
    01:08:25-01:08:28 Ben talks, a shout from upstairs and Ben’s response
    01:08:30 a match is lit
    01:08:32 a cricket chirps
    01:08:37 a glass bottle is broke on the ground
    01:08:38 a fire starts
    01:08:41 a zombie screams
    01:08:41 background music
    01:08:44 a glass bottle is broke on the ground
    01:08:48 zombies moan
    01:08:50 a glass bottle is broke on the ground
    01:08:53 zombies moan
    01:08:54 a glass bottle is broke on the ground
    01:08:55 zombies moan
    01:09:06 footsteps
    01:09:09 Harry talks
    01:10:00 a knob turned

  9. kreid says:

    Starts at 13:00
    13:00 Music plays in the background
    13:26 Music Continues to play but got louder
    13:41 Sound of Frank hanging up phone
    13:43 Paula kisses on the phone
    13:47 Sound of Paula hanging up phone
    13:51 Sound of Frank taking cigarette from box and placing it back in his pocket
    13:51 Sound of Frank striking matches to lit the cigarette
    14:04 Knock on the door
    14:04 to 14:09 Man placing drinks on side table
    14:17 Sound of men walking on the board floor
    14:25 Sound of Men bumping into each other at the door
    14:39 Sound of phone being picked up
    Sound of phone being place on the hook

  10. kreid says:

    Night of the Living Dead utilization of music and sounds was extensive throughout the film as there was minimal communication, however it was a very good moving as the music and sounds that was selected gave great suspense and created a lot of emotions….

    3:04 Barb wind up window
    3:06 Barb open car doors
    3:07 Barb closes car door
    3:09 Sound of radio coming back on air
    3:17 Clicking sound of Johnny turning off car radio
    3:21 Creaking sound of Johnny opening car door back ground music still plays
    3:26 Johnny slams car door shut and walk away from the car
    3:29 Crackling sound of footstep walking on gravel
    3:50 Barb and Johnny walking to the grave with their feet crushing the fallen leafs..
    4:05 more crushing sounds and Suspense music
    4:44 Suspense music breaks and the start of a thunder storm in the background
    5:08 Loud Lightening and thunder sound in the background…

  11. brad says:

    D.O.A. Sound cues 9:27-11:28
    The odd feature of this sequence is the use of woodwind whistle calls to indicate the star’s…. arousal when attractive women pass by.

    Sound Time Notes

    Fog horn 9:27-:30 Est. shot of SF
    Street noise 9:31-:43 Street entrance of hotel
    Car horn 9:33-:34
    Trolley bells 9:34-:41
    Hotel lobby background chatter 9:44-10:35 Convo w/ clerk in lobby
    Dialogue 9:45-:49
    Shoe squeak 9:49 Clerk turns around
    Dialogue 9:54-10:19
    Ring for bellhop 10:01
    Brief rise and fall on woodwind 10:10-:12 Two attractive women pass by
    2nd ring for hop 10:17-:18
    Wolf whistle on woodwind 10:21-:25 Attractive woman at front desk
    Dialogue 10:25-:35
    Party chatter, background music 10:37-:58 Walk from elevator to room
    Whistle 10:45-:48 Yet another attractive woman
    Opening of door 10:49-:50
    Another whistle 10:51-:54 Attractive woman, again
    Bellhop line 10:52-:53
    Reduced volume background music 10:58-11:28 Hop & star enter hotel room
    Luggage being set down 11:02
    Star tapping on side with paper 11:07-:10 Playing with beat of music outside
    Dialogue 11:10-:19
    Paper tossed on desk 11:16
    Telephone picked up 11:17
    Phone piece lifted 11:20
    Star line 11:22-:28 Speaking into phone

  12. brad says:

    Night of the Living Dead music use comparison

    The WRS piece that Night of the Living Dead used during the scene where Ben found the rifle in the closet was used previously during the intro credits to the bad horror anthology The Devil’s Messenger. The difference in the two usages isn’t that great in terms of the way the piece is being used to set mood since both films are in the horror genre, but there is a difference in that one uses it as background music and the other as the intro credits score. The former requires a lower volume for the music, which reduces some of its nuance. In Devil it seems much more old fashioned, almost gothic, in how it tries to be creepy. In Living Dead it’s much more simply eerie.

  13. brad says:

    Night of the Living Dead sound cues 1:21:25-:24:06

    Sound Time Notes

    Alarming orchestral note 1:21:25-:31 Zombie outside picks up rock
    2nd sounding of alarming note 1:21:32-:38 2nd zombie picks up object
    Zombie moans 1:21:32-:23:32 Approaching front of house
    Banging noises 1:21:40-:23:32 Zombies banging on house
    Shattering glass 1:22:01-:02 Brick through window
    Music change 1:22:03 Stirring music added as threat mounts
    Ben calls for help 1:22:21-:22
    Ben calls again 1:22:25
    Rifle falling on floor 1:22:28
    Harry cocks gun 1:22:43
    Harry speaks 1:22:46-:49
    Harry speaks again 1:22:52-:54
    Wood dropped 1:22:55 Ben throws plank at Harry
    Sounds of struggle 1:22:57-:23:03 Ben and Harry wrestle for gun
    Ben cocks gun 1:23:05
    Gunshot 1:23:10 Ben shoots Harry
    Helen screams 1:23:17-:19
    Cracking wood 1:23:18-:20 Zombies breaking in
    Helen keeps making noise 1:23:20-:32 Zombies grabbing her
    Shuffling down stairs 1:23:37-:46 Shot and dying Harry in basement
    Metal falling 1:23:47-:48 Crowbar knocked to floor
    Music fades out 1:23:49-:51
    Muffled zombie noise 1:23:52-:24:06 From above
    Shuffled footsteps 1:23:54-:59 Harry staggers to daughter
    Labored breathing 1:23:55-:24:06 Harry staggers and dies

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