D.O.A. film noir 1959/sound edit list

D.O.A. sound edit list…. 1959 2minutes:
– Man talking to woman on phone…..
– music in background/soft….
-shot goes to woman, saying “Nothing to ever feel guilty about…”!
-shot goes to man – music /background dies down- in other room people partying….- & -chatter, and dance music is elevated…. Man on phone is loudest sound…
– Man hangs up phone….. (phone being hung up is loudest sound ..)
– shot switches to woman…. with soft music in background….& she kisses phone and —— music/background gets louder……
– shot switches back to man sounds as he lights cigarette, – striking match. dance partying music in background…….
Edit list done by, Stan Lowe Jr.
Feb. 28th 2012
Sounds for Multimedia…..

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