Our proposal for my final mulitmedia project

In the Fall of 2011, my class-mates and I recorded a Public Service Announcement (PSA) project on credit card debt abuse. At the time, we choose a horror genre to portray the message. This PSA project was for our Video Operations course and it is over four (4) minutes long. I am proposing that Viviani Vilas-Boas and I, be allowed to use the same PSA video for our final project. The team involved in the original project envisioned a scary piece with special effects, but due to time constraints and limited audio resources, we settled on the location’s ambient sound, and later added some studio audio effects for added tension.

We would like to revise the entire project and make it into infomercial. The infomercial will be based on a new medical product. A voice-over by a professional Actor will be employed. The Actor will introduce the new product. This product will help a student with their strenuous school schedule and low energy. Some of the scary segments that portray the student’s dilemma will be black & white with a scratching film-like look to it. When the student feels better, this is when the segments will become color video.

Currently, the video has two (2) sound tracks. It runs 4 minutes and 10 seconds – this includes the original graphics. At exactly 1 minute into the video, it is where we would like to begin modifying the project. In keeping with the original genre, we would like to add additional tracks for added effects. For example, we would add an overall hollow sound as a transitional ploy, add a commercial jingle, and more reverb into the original voice tracks. We would enhance the fear effect by increasing the decibels of the hollow background sounds that will peak at intervals, based on the voice-over and message. Because I have the original footage and the Final Cut Pro scratch files, we would replace the graphics and trim down the project into a 2 minute piece.

For my final multimedia sound project, we would like to use this PSA video. All we need to do is add layers of sounds, replace the graphics, and add a voice-over. I may keep some of the original sounds. This is our proposal for my final project in Sound for Multimedia course.

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6 Responses to Our proposal for my final mulitmedia project

  1. javier says:

    Last Thursday, Viviani and I rendered our final assignment into a new Final Cut Pro (FCP) project to prepare it for our commercial concept. Upon review, we realized that we do not have enough original material from our footage to fit our concept. Therefore, we decided to re-create a new idea. The new idea or concept will be a movie trailer.

    At the school’s media lab, we researched some movie trailers and various sound effects. We downloaded a few samples and rendered them into our FCP project. We copied MPAA’s “Warning” and “20th Century” distribution video and inserted them into our project. We used the movie trailer’s sound from “Abraham Lincoln Vampire” and made our footage fit the music and voice-over – this will aid us in finding an over-all rhythm. Please note that we plan to remove the movie’s audio and add our own original voice-over. As to the “20th Century” distribution video logo, we plan to redo and use our own. We converted the FCP draft into a movie format, but had trouble uploading it into YouTube. We create a new draft that we would like to present in class for approval.

    If approved, we will then start recording our own original voice-overs and add our sound effects. If we decided to use music for the project, we would locate public domain music or use the sound lab’s keyboard and Apple’s music maker.

  2. javier says:

    Update Tuesday, May 01, 2012

    The project is currently pending music and graphics.

    We hope to use the sound lab’s musical software to create our own original score. Thereafter, we will then have a good draft to add a voice-over. We plan to add additional footage to extend the length of the project. In addition, we downloaded various sounds, like an electrical effect, to add to our project’s soundscape.

    Viviani is working on the graphics and has secured our professional voice over actor. A CLT will be assisting us today on the music portion. I will return during lab hours to complete the draft so that we can record the voice-over.

  3. javier says:

    Update Monday, May 07, 2012

    The project has been lengthened to afford us more room for a voice-over.

    At the moment, I recorded myself as the voice-over. I did so because we do not have a completed music score for the project. Upon completion of the score, we will have a better idea as to the appropriate dialogue. In addition, I used some of the original footage’s audio. I down-loaded additional sounds from freesound.org and music in the event that we cannot accomplish this at the sound lab. Viviani is working on graphics.

    We should have a second draft by our next session.

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