Retake on (Javier Herrera) the The Face of Deliverance by Kevin and Myrtle

The Face of Deliverance

Courtesy of our fellow class mate (Javier Herrera) we will be working on a video clipping that is approximately a minute and 30 seconds long (The Face of Deliverance). The Face of Deliverance video consists of various scenic video clippings with inspirational music. We will be using the entire video excluding 90% of the background music.


We will be doing an infomercial about the ills of using one of the social
media sites.

The infomercial will be done using voice over this will be done in a very pensive tone. A tone, which we imagine, will causes viewer to stop and think we want to make them say that is true and hopefully lead them to take actions. We are also aiming to make the social media site that we are presenting about not evident until the end of the infomercial.

However at the end of the infomercial the audience should hopefully goes. I get it and hopefully identify with the information that was communicated.

We have not decided on the background sounds to be used as yet. We however will be using various sound effects to indicate the change of scene and tone..
We are currently working on fine tuning the script for the voice over as this will be a critical portion of the treatment to create and achieve the desired out come of the infomercial.

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