D.O.A. sound cues

February 25th, 2012

 Dead On Arrival

 For this assignment I chose a scene that I thought had a diverse amount of sound effects. In this scene the main character has just tested positive for the luminous poison.

30:20- Footsteps

30:23- Dialogue

30:24- Door Close

30:26- Music cue

30:30- Dialogue

30:37- Light switch

30:40- Dialogue

31:02- Footsteps

31:06- Light Switch

31:08- Dialogue

31:09- Music Stops

31:11- Footsteps

31:30- Feet Shuffling

31:58- Rotary Phone Dialing

32:01- Dialogue

32:08- Music Cue

32:10- Phone Pickup

32:20- Door Opening

32:30- footsteps running

33:05- Car Horn

33:16- Bus engine

33:35- Panting

33:40- Voiceover

33:51- Ball Rolling

33:52- Ball Bouncing

33:54 Ball Bouncing

34:11- Voiceover

35:09- music stops

35:10- car sounds

35:10- Outdoor ambience

35:11- Door Knocking

35:15- Door knocking


Scene End

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