Assignment 2

We discussed eight of the elements in the “Design Principles” during the second session. Please take some good and thoughtful photos, and add them to the “library” in the “media” menu: The images should be based on four of the eight design principles namely “proportion,” “contrast,”  “texture,” and “directionality” (see below for the descriptions). You need to state which design principles your images convey. Upload two images each on each theme.

For the assignment #1, you selected four out of the eight elements to work on. For this assignment, please work on the other four elements! If you already submitted more than four of the elements for the assignment #1, you can work on some of the same elements. In every assignment, you show your own new observations and discoveries.

The deadline is by the end of Thursday, March 2nd. Thank you!

“Design Principles”

1. Unity is the principle that the visual organization be a “whole”, self-contained and complete. This is true even if it is a deliberately chaotic or unorganized composition.
2. Balance: Every element in a visual composition has a visual weight
3. Visual Tension: The interplay of balanced or unbalanced elements and their placement in the frame can create visual tension, which is important in any composition that seeks to avoid boring complacency.
4. Rhythm: Rhythm of repetitive or similar elements can create patterns of organization.
5. Proportion: Mathematics is the controlling force of the universe (proportion and size relationship), ancient Greek philosopher
6. Contrast: It is a function of the light/dark value, the color and texture of the objects in the frame and the lighting. It define depth, spatial relationships, and carries emotion and storytelling weight
7. Texture: It gives perceptual clues. Texture can be a function of themselves, but usually requires lighting to bring it out.
8. Directionality: Anything that is not symmetrical is directional. It determines how it will act in a visual field and hot it will affect other elements.

Brown, B. (2016). Cinematography theory and practice: Image making for cinematographers, directors, and videographers. (3rd ed.). Boston: Focal Press.