Installation Process

Choose a Camera Location: 

a) Avoid pointing the surveillance cameras directly to sources of light.

b) Consider placing the surveillance cameras on high spots, like a light pole with a clear surroundings.

c) Power sockets should be close to the surveillance cameras, with a backup power supply for any power outage.

Run Cables:

a) Make sure that each surveillance camera are wired directly to the DVR or the device that will be used to store all of the footage recorded.

b) Make sure all cables are kept safe and well managed. A pathway for the cables should be made.

Power Cameras:

a) It’s essential to know that both the DVR and the cameras should be powered by a single power supply.

Connect your Monitor to the DVR:

a) Connect your DVR output port to the screen or monitor to see the video feed.

Program your DVR:

a) Based on the instruction manual of your DVR, continue programming your DVR. Some DVRs ask for hard disk installation or some come pre-installed.