Issues With Self Driving Cars

Automation can be seen as the greatest thing since sliced bread to many companies as they are able to up production and lower costs because of the use of robots.


What happens if a driverless car were to crash and how would it react to the traffic around it. Would that car take your life into consideration or will it put somebody else life ahead of yours. This is a difficult question to answer because how should the cars be programed to react in the event of an accident. As far as development is concerned we are many years from them actually being implemented because the technology has not caught up to the imaginations of the people who want to develop them.

How cars can be programed

There are essentially 2 ways the AI of a driverless car can be programed, either “top down” or “bottom up”


The overall development of driverless cars have seen their fair share of hiccups as the cars face an unprecedented enemy the human driver. The AI in driverless cars have a difficult time dealing with human drivers because behavior can be seen as erratic and unpredictable. One example was a driverless car that was tested by google which got stuck at a 4 way stop sign because it was waiting for drivers to come to a complete stop. Most of us when coming to a stop sign almost never come to a complete stop. This will be a huge challenged because a self driving car cannot predict human behavior(At the moment)

Job Elimination

Automation is here to stay as many people are against it because of the future implications such as the elimination of jobs. This is very important because  one sector trying to develop driverless cars is the driving industry such as taxi and trucking industries. It is estimated that over 10 million jobs in the transportation sector alone could be lost in the next 20-30 years if this trend continues.