Author Archives: Nusrat Jahan

NusratJahanENG 2575SectionD594Chapter5SummaryofTheShallows

In chapter five, Nicholas Carr talks about how evolution of computer and the internet world impacted our lives. He starts this paragraph by explaining how the computer was back in the days. Alan Turing is known for creator of the first computing device into this chapter. Carr provides historical content, surveys, opinion of the experts and compares the prices of computers in this chapter. He also shows how computer became a huge part of our everyday lives. At first computers were very expensive and had limited memory. Later on, digital computers became very cheap with infinite memory, and capable of doing various tasks at once. Beside digital computers, the internet became very popular.  People didn’t spend most of their days watching the TV, they spend more of their time on the internet. A survey in 2009 shows adults in America spend an average of twelve hours online in a week, double the average in 2005. Internet isn’t only changing the way people spend their time. Also it is reshaping the news world. The newspaper companies which includes the  Wall Street Journals and Los Angeles Tunes are changing their design and becoming more like web-based design. Also TV shows, movies, videos are trying fit it.

NusratJahanENG 2575SectionD594Assingment#1

In the article “U Can’t Talk to Ur Professor Like This”, Molly Worthen argues how interacting with your professor can have a great impact in students life. She says “Over the decades or two college students have become far more casual in their interactions with faculty members.” In a survey  2004 and 2010, sociologist found that students showing issues related to classroom etiquette have been doubled from 14 percent to 33 percent.  She also supports her arguments with her personal experience and her colleagues experiences in the past.  There is a special kind of relationship between teacher and student. One of her colleagues, Jacson Brown expresses how in the 1990s, most students respected her authority. But now a days, she have to clarify how students should call interact with her on the syllabus and she blames the informality of social media.