Miki Yau, ENG 2575, Section D594, Summary 150 words

In “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr, Chapter four, “A Medium Of The Most General Nature”. The author states that since technology is more advanced in the society, more and more people are spending the times to use the technologies in daily life. The author writes that the first mass computer produced in 1954 by British mathematician Alan Turing. Turing Was the first one who explored that picture and word can be encrypted into numbers and can be transmitted through the computers. Then the author uses the survey to show that more and more people spend times on the media, such as phones, computers and TVs. By 2009, the average number of adults in North America were spending online a week is double in 2005. The people are using the text messaging and call worldwide. Next, the author uses the quote by McLuhan in Understanding. ““A NEW MEDIUM is never an addition to an old one”. Which is that the new technology can not replace the old technology because the new one was created base on the old one. As technology became a general thing in the world, people need them as daily basis. Last, the author shows that the technology actually changed the economics of production and distribution. For example, the entertainment business.

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