
From chapter 5 the Nicholas Carr mentioned  about when computer came out, human’s living style got changed. Especially when internet was found, people started to read a lot of words on web page instead of reading on the print papers. Rocky Mountain news had closed the company because of reading digital technology. Some company changed the way like before, they focused on digital products. Carr also pointed out that old technology such as music tape, radio, CD, and DVD still living on but it became out of date, because those the new software technology like YouTube and Netflix, that for people can just watch the video online or buy the music from digital store such as iTunes. However, Carr showed that old traditional form media still exist. People still buy the book and subscribe to magazines.  This chapter was focusing on show the details about how the internet affected today’s society, and how the human’s living environment changed by accepting the new technology. But some old thing still in use.

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