Peer Review

According to this peer review, I can talk with the classmate about the article, and to understand the different kinds of the thesis that they had. Just like I learn from MiKi, she found a simple, easy and useful thesis to do her summary which is the advantage and disadvantage about the internet. But, I did a difficult way because I think too much and to choose my thesis that is hard and the thesis is the internet is a mind altering technology. So, I need to make  a lot of paragraphs to combine together. After that, I do not need to think too much, simple is best.

Albert Coello ENG-2575 D594 – Peer Review

The peer review was very interesting and helpful because it allowed me to find all the mistakes I made when writing my summary. By reviewing someone else’s work I was able to see points or examples that I forgot to include in my work. I also came across different ideas for the thesis as well as better summarizing habits like including the author’s name, and adding more research examples to provide better support for the reader.

Peer Review summary

I learned through the peer review was that I should try to make my closing statement longer and lower the amount of quotes. Maybe instead to paraphrase what the quote meant instead. Also a question I have is how long should each section roughly be. How long should I spend on opening Thesis, support and Closing.

Lichi Zhu-ENG2575 D594 Peer review

In the peer review, when we can exchange the ideas of the thesis, we usually can find the new points from the others. It help us to depth thinking about the significant of the paper. By reading the summary from the other, i can notice what i miss and what i should be do in next time. it is comfortable to this process when we finish a writing.

Dwight Hargett 2575 D594

Dear Steve,

From writing the two different summaries on open lab i found, yet again difficulties in balancing specific information from the text with generalizations about Nicholas Carr’s points throughout the chapter. However, the peer review helped in various ways. One important piece was taking out a bunch of unnecessary words that might put me to close to the word count. Another, aspect was the emphasis, from both me and my peer review, of declaring a proper thesis in the beginning to make Carr’s points clear. Other things like spelling and grammar we’re also good pointers on both sides.

