Author Archives: Osama

Osama S-Notes on chpt3 by Nicholas Carr

The chapter focused mostly on the impact certain technologies have had on people. More specifically how maps and clock have impacted us. Nicholas Carr begins by introducing maps with an analogy of a little girl and her drawing as she gets older and how they become more sophisticated and capture and relay more information. Carr goes through the evolution of maps and how it enables man to better understand the unseen forces that shape his surrounding and existence. Maps have taken space which is a natural phenom and transformed it into an artificial and intellectual concept. The second technology Carr introduces to us is time keeping. The progress if the instruments used to keep time and how it shaped society. how iit was christian monks who initially pushed for more precise time keeping and developed the first mechanical clock in the monastery. Carr discussed how even after the initial instruments were introduced people for the most part still used to the Sun, Moon and the Stars to keep track of their day. But as people moved from the countryside to towns clocks become more relied upon. Bells would indicate when work started, to when it ended. time to  open and close the market and etc. As clocks became more personalized become started they became companions and monitors.