ENG 1141: Discussion Board Notes (Exploring Dialogue and Point of View)


I’ll see you soon in class, but while reading through the dialogues on our class discussion board, I have seen a growth character development and creating plot with stakes and urgency.

Some ideas to consider as we move forward: how do we use conflict, tension, character development, and dialogue to make the reader want to continue? There are many good moments on the board so far, but I want to point out a few in particular:

  • Ester’s use of the prompt to write a revenge story that gets the reader involved quickly.
  • Xinhong’s use of emotional urgency when the reader realizes the characters don’t have enough money to eat
  • Dominic’s use of dramatic tension that builds when the reader realizes someone is being asked to kill close family members.
  • Janet’s use of detail in character development. Notice how a main character’s lack of remorse can be compelling when combined with other characteristics. You can think of movies and how characters that are doing questionable things become more complex when we get a glimpse of the mind of the character behind them.
  • Sakif’s story takes on sudden urgency in the very last line of the dialogue.

There were many others! We’ll continue to talk about plot, conflict and how good stories evolve in today’s class on flash fiction. If you haven’t posted on the discussion board, you can still do so here:


See you in class at 2:30 pm!
Prof. Sears

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