Archives for category: Grammar

Below are five sentences that have parallel structure problems. Read about parallel structure on the web or on page 58 of Rules of Thumb. For +1 extra credit, fix the parallelism in one of the sentences below and write 1 – 2 sentences explaining how you made the correction. Submit your correction by replying to this post.

  1. I enjoy learning about electricity because it’s interesting, challenging, and simply for exploring the sciences.
  2. After school yesterday I went to Target, to Brooklyn Industries, and TD Bank.
  3. My cousin likes running, swimming, and to ride a horse every once in a while.
  4. If you need help with grammar, check in Rules of Thumb or The Purdue OWL’s website.
  5. After the scary movie, Danielle looked horrified, scared, and wouldn’t go alone into the dark.

Can anyone identify the parallel structure in the cartoon below?


Reply to this post with one of the following run-ons corrected, accompanied by a 1 – 2 sentence explanation of how you made your correction, and I’ll give you +1 extra credit on an assignment you need points on:

  1. Our solar system has nine major planets in it, however, only one planet is known to have intelligent life on it.
  2. Most asteroids are far away, therefore they are dim and hard to see.
  3. Looking through a high-powered telescope allows you to see Saturn’s rings they are thousands of kilometers long.
  4. Check the coordinates of your telescope I can’t see Mars, the red planet.
  5. Marie, my best friend, is interested in stargazing she has a map of the solar system.

I will add one extra credit point to a grade where you most need it if you can explain in 2 – 3 sentences why one of the following sentences is grammatically/stylistically incorrect, and why it is incorrect:

Choose one of these sentences and explain why it is incorrect:

  1. Mens and womens pant’s and shoe’s are sold at Macys .
  2. After I get out of my History class, I must go to a Doctor’s Appointment.
  3. Someone has put their name in front of mine. It makes me upset when people skip you.