Archives for category: Announcements

I will post an updated semester schedule soon; currently I am making my way through midterm essays, of which you will receive back on Tuesday.

Here are the three main tasks that remain for this semester:

  1. Complete the research essay
  2. Revise essays and complete your writing portfolio, a collection of the writing you have done this semester
  3. Take the two-part final exam: part one is to write a summary of a short article, and part two is to write a short essay in response to the same article you see in part one

On a separate note, if you’d like to volunteer to help clean up after Hurricane Sandy, you can join New York Cares and sign up for a clean up event. Or, if you are too busy during the semester to volunteer, you can do volunteer service after the semester for many of the other causes New York Cares addresses. Tomorrow I am going out to Flatlands/Floyd Bennett Field to help volunteer with an effort out there.

Have a good weekend and check back soon for more updates.

Hello everyone i see there was an Assignment due on Thursday can someone explain to me what it was please?

Hi everyone —

I am not feeling well, so ENG 1101 is canceled on Tues. Oct. 9th.

Thomas Wilk

Reply to this post before Tuesday’s class with links to five news stories related to a research topic. Also write 3 to 4 sentences and explain why you chose these sites or tell us something interesting about your topic.

Let the research begin.

I will start logging examples of writing I’d like you to try and emulate for different assignments we will have. Find these writing examples on our Writing Examples page.

I’ve created a page that will keep track of some “general comments” that apply to all writing we’re doing this semester. Check it out, and come back to it often as it will grow:

Essay Comments

Check out our “Assignments” page. I have posted our Argumentative Essay there. We will spend the next two classes writing and re-writing this essay in class.

Check out our “Assignments” page. I have posted our Argumentative Essay there. We will spend the next two classes writing and re-writing this essay in class.

Any readings that are posted on Open Lab are located under the menu marked “Readings,” just so you know 😉

Any readings that are posted on Open Lab are located under the menu marked “Readings,” just so you know ;)