Final Writing Portfolio

Name: _________________________________

The list of items below must be submitted in a folder with this piece of paper. This portfolio is worth 30 total points and counts towards your “Essays” grade.

The revisions you include will be graded based on the amount of material you have changed in your essays and the quality of the revisions you have made. Even if you had a high scoring essay the first time, you still must make substantial revisions to the new copy.

Suggestions for revising any essay. Check for:

  • A unique title that accurately signals what the essay is about
  • An interesting introduction with a clear thesis
  • Making a connection with your audience, or making your purpose clearer
  • Paragraph unity and overall essay coherence and emphasis of main point
  • Striking conclusion that leaves the reader with an engaging thought
  • Lively writing style appropriate to the assignment
  • Correct grammar, with particular attention to run-ons and fragments, subject-verb agreement, verb tenses, and punctuation
  • Well-chosen words, active verbs, and decreased wordiness
  • Correctly formatted bibliography

Include in your writing portfolio folder:

  • Essay 1 and revisions
  • Essay 2 and revisions
  • Essay 3 and revisions
  • Two completed “My Writing Checklists”
  • Personal statement, (one page, typed) that explains/answers:
    • What patterns you have observed in your writing?
    • What aspects of writing you have found enjoyable?
    • What parts of writing still remain a challenge to you?
    • What has writing taught you about yourself? (Consider learning styles, personality, interests, or…)

* If you did not write one of the above essays, you must write it for the first time for this portfolio. Copies of the essay assignments are on OpenLab > Assignments.



Midterm Cause and Effect Essay

Name: ______________________________________

Choose one of the following essay topics and write a 4 to 5 paragraph essay. Make sure your essay uses signal phrases to credit sources.

  1. Explain two effects a person’s upbringing can have on him or her. Make references to at least one of the following texts, (although you may discuss more than one, if you wish): “A Coney Island of the Mind,” “The Colossus of New York,” or “Where I’m From.”
  2. Consider different types of art or creative expression and explain at least two causes for why people make art, or discuss two effects art has on society. Or, you may combine discussing the above causes and effects. Make connections to Anastasio’s “My Life in Graffiti,” “From Doo Wop to Hip Hop…,” a piece of poetry or short fiction, or any piece in The Place Where We Dwell.
  3. Write an essay that explores two or three reasons for why people either enjoy or have a distaste for politics. Give vivid examples or narrate interesting anecdotes to prove your points.




ENG 1101 Research Project

Name: _____________________________________________________

Choose one of the following topics and write a 5 – 7 page research essay:

  1. Compare and/or contrast at least two of Mitt Romney’s and Barack Obama’s positions or policies.
  2. Refute or defend the following position: “Organized religion weakens society.”
  3. Refute or defend the following position: “Cheating helps people learn.”
  4. Argue that two or three local laws should be changed.
  5. Explain the three most significant causes for the popularity of Facebook.
  6. Explain three significant effects the attacks of September 11th have had.
  7. Explain three significant effects the mass media has on teens’ behavior.
  8. Advances in digital recording technology have afforded most Americans the ability to create high quality recordings with devices that can fit in their pockets, (e.g., iPhones, portable digital recorders). However, do you think these technological advances have allowed society to create higher quality music? Explain why or why not.
  9. From “In a world where biology and engineering intersect, how do you decide what’s “natural”? Biotechnology is making it easier and easier to create new forms of life, but what are the consequences when humans play with life? (from
  10. Do you think American culture has enough respect for mothers? For instance, many argue that we do not have adequate laws to protect pregnant women/new mothers. Pregnant women may be discriminated against for a job, or be expected to return to work immediately after her pregnancy. Additionally, motherhood is often denigrated as “unintelligent work,” or work fit for unskilled women. Based on your research, explain what you think the meaning of “motherhood” is and explain whether or not motherhood is respected in American culture.
  11. Many claim that monogamy is a “myth,” meaning that it is unnatural for humans to remain sexually faithful to only one partner. However, on the other hand, others counter that monogamy is healthier for society and for creating stable families. Consider theories on both sides of the subject and then argue that monogamy is either natural or unnatural for humans, and explain what impact this has on society.
  12. Some claim that Steve Jobs was a “genius” for the way his Apple products revolutionized the global electronics industry. Was Jobs really a “genius” or just a skilled business person? Compare Jobs to another person that some feel is a genius. Show how Jobs and this other “genius” are similar or different. Along the way, you must develop your own theory for what a “genius” is.
  13. How can a creative art change someone’s life? Give examples.
  14. What is the best career to pursue in New York City? Why? Cite evidence.
  15. What are three things you plan to do to improve the world? Why? Be specific and realistic. Your plans must be based on evidence and source material.


  1. Your essay must use at least five outside sources
  2. At least one source must come from a scholarly journal article
  3. Your project must be formatted in APA style
    1. You do not need a cover page
    2. You do not need an abstract
    3. You must have a bibliography
    4. You must cite sources in the body of your paper
  4. Papers that are not academically honest will receive a zero with no chance for re-write

Method for submission:
You will submit portions of your project on different dates. Each portion of your project is worth points (see below). Failure to turn in parts of project will result in loss of points.

  1. Proposal (1 to 2 pages outlining your topic, what you already know about your topic, what you plan to find out, what challenges you face in your research, and any other interesting ideas you have) (10 points)
  2. Two pages of Research Project Draft (20 points)
  3. Final Draft (70 points)

* Besides turning your final draft in to me in class, you must also submit it to SafeAssign on BlackBoard to be checked for plagiarism. I will discuss this procedure in class.

Extra credit opportunities (see me if you plan to do either):

  1. Present your project to the class in a 7 – 10 minute oral presentation
  2. Publish your essay as a web page or online essay on Open Lab


Comparison and Contrast: Essay #2

Name: ____________________________________________________

Situation: You are part of Rock the Vote, an organization that is dedicated to getting young people to vote and participate in the American democratic process. For the upcoming election Rock the Vote is asking young writers like yourself to write a short article comparing the stances that two major presidential candidates have on two issues. The purpose of the article is up to you: do you want to inspire people to vote? To protest a policy change? To support a candidate? By outlining how two candidates feel about the same two issues, develop your purpose for writing.

Solution: Write a 4 to 5 paragraph essay that shows how any two presidential candidates feel about any two important issues. You may support either candidate, if you like, but you are not required to. Your purpose for writing should dictate your approach, organization, and position.

Audience: Your audience ranges from high school seniors to upper-level college students. Additionally, your article will be published online, so anyone is able to view it. Your audience will come from all across the United States.

Requirements: You must use at least two sources to inform your readers about the above policies. These sources should be listed on an APA style bibliography at the end of your essay. Papers without a bibliography will lose points. You should also use clear signal phrases to show where your information has come from. Make sure to put paraphrases in your own words, and any information that you take from other sources MUST be credited.

Extra Credit: Submit your article to be published online on our class’ Open Lab site. You may format the essay like a web page with images, links, embedded video, or anything else that the electronic format can provide. See me for details.

We will spend at least two classes writing this essay in class and then you will have time to complete it at home. The final copy may be typed or handwritten.


Argumentative Essay, Essay #1:

ENG 1101
Essay #1: Argumentative Essay

Name: _______________________________________________

Situation: you are a City Tech student and you are writing an article for The New Tech Times, the City Tech newspaper, to persuade the college community to either support or oppose the New York Police Department’s “Stop and Frisk” policies.

Solution: write a 4 to 5 paragraph argumentative essay that responds to the following question: do you support the “Stop and Frisk” policies of the NYC government? Why or why not?

Audience: your audience is City Tech students, faculty, and staff. Some agree with your position, while others will not. Write an essay that tries to persuade those who do not agree with you to take your side. Anticipate a counterargument to your position and discredit it. Lastly, consider the experiences and knowledge of your audience to help build your argument.

Requirements: your essay must make a clear argument that responds to the question posed in “Solution.”  You must make reference to at least one of the sources included with this essay (see below) and you must include at least one direct quote and one paraphrase to one of these sources. When direct quoting or paraphrasing, make sure to use a signal word to give credit to the original source, (examples below). Also, you may use real life examples, news stories, or facts to support your answer. You should strive to have an interesting introduction, on-topic body paragraphs, and a brief yet effective conclusion.

This essay will be handwritten during class time and graded as part of your essays grade (30% of final grade). Save all original drafts, re-writes, and notes for this essay, since they will be used for part of your final writing portfolio.


Examples for using signal phrases in direct quoting, (also see p. 85-85 in ROT)

X states …”____.” According to X, “_____.” In his essay X writes, “_____.”

Examples for paraphrasing (see more ideas on p. 133 in ROT):

X argues that… X says that… X suggests that…


I. Selections from “Stop and Frisk” policies from

Level 1: Request for Information
While officers are not authorized to question any individuals at random, an officer can approach an individual for any articulable reason. The officer may ask basic questions about the individual’s identity, or reason for being in the area.

Level 2: Common-Law Right of Inquiry
An officer may ask more probing questions when the officer suspects that an individual may be involved in criminal activity. The officer may ask to search the individual or the individual’s bags, but, at this level, the officer cannot force the individual to answer questions, and the individual may walk away from the officer.

Level 3: Stop, Question, and Frisk
This level is reached when the officer has reasonable suspicion that a person is involved in criminal activity. This suspicion may result from the individual matching a crime suspect’s description, carrying objects commonly used in a crime. The officer may frisk an individual for weapons to ensure the safety of the officer conducting the questioning.

Level 4: Arrest
When an officer has probable cause to believe that an individual was involved in a crime, the officer may arrest the suspect.

II. New York police tout improving crime numbers to defend frisking policy | May 13, 2012 | By CNN Wire Staff

New York police on Sunday touted the impact of their much-criticized “stop, question and frisk” policy, claiming it has contributed to a spike in the number of firearms confiscated and coincided with what is shaping up to be a historically low murder rate.

Comparing numbers from the first three months of 2012 to the same period last year, the number of such stops increased 10% while the number of illicit guns taken away went up 31%, according to a New York Police Department statement from Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne.

Meanwhile, New York’s murder rate has plunged 21% year-to-date as of last Friday — meaning, if the current trend continues, the yearly number of murders in the city would be the lowest since such statistics first were recorded, as such, in 1963.

“New York City continues to be the safest big city in America, and one of the safest of any size, with significantly less crime per capita … than even small cities,” the department said.


Minorities are far more likely than whites to be questioned under New York’s program, according to police department statistics. Of those stopped and frisked — 93% of whom were males — 54% were African-American, 33% were Hispanic, 9% were white and 3% were Asian.

Yet the police department, including Commissioner Ray Kelly, has argued that the policy ends up disproportionately protecting those in minority communities. African-Americans and Hispanics made up 96% of all New York shooting victims and 90% of murder victims last year, police said. Therefore, a drop in such shootings citywide would logically equate to fewer minorities’ being killed.

From CNN:

Source III is “‘Stop and Frisk’ Is the New Racial Profiling” from our reading packet.