Introducing Yourself

  1. Your official name (according to City Tech), and if there is a different name that you would like to be called
  2. Which pronouns do you prefer? he/him/his OR she/her/hers OR they/them/their
  3. What is your major?
  4. How many semesters have you been attending City Tech? How many semesters of college have you completed?
  5. When did you graduate high school or get your GED? Where did you go to high school? (borough, city, country– don’t need the name of the school)
  6. What languages do you speak? (Put them in the order you learned them.)
  7. What language(s) do you speak at home most of the time?
  8. What language(s) do you speak with friends most of the time?
  9. Do you read regularly? (Not twitter, facebook, instagram, etc.– actual books, articles, PARAGRAPHS of text)
  10. What language(s) do you read in? (you can include social media here)
  11. What language(s) are most of the tv shows and movies you watch in?
  12. What language(s) is most of the music you listen to in?

These questions help me to understand what everyone brings with them into the classroom, so I can better target our classes to fit your needs.