ENG1101-Freshman Writing/Emotions 1101

This ENG1101 course introduces concepts of critical writing and thinking along with skills integral to constructing and documenting a college-level essay. As a First Year Learning Community, we will pair with Psychology 1101 to explore the emotional impact of the first year college transition and consider ways to identify and deal with new stressors.

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Resource 8: “Why College Freshmen Need to Take Emotions 101”-Washington Post

This article, published in 2014 in the Washington Post, raised attention nationwide about an increasing problem of depression among freshmen on college campuses across the country. Though the audience of this article is targeted to parents, many of the issues are relevant to your reading as a student.


Resource 7: Q&A “First Generation Students”-The New York Times

For your summary assignment, click on this link to go to the New York Times article and and choose one of the answers to summarize. To get the full source, you will need to choose the topic and click on the + beside it so the full account shows. The + will turn to an X when it is fully displayed.


Resource 4: “Essay Writing”: Expository, Narrative, Descriptive, and Persuasive/Argumentative Essays-Purdue OWL

This resource is actually 5 separate resources but we will look at them all as one.

The first is an overview of essay writing: “Essay Writing”: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/01/

Second, an overview of the Expository essay and the classic “five part” essay: “Expository Essays”: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/02/

Third, an overview of the Descriptive Essay, a technique we will discuss in this class: “Descriptive Essays” : https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/3/

Fourth, an overview of the Narrative Essay, a technique we will also discuss: “Narrative Essays”: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/4/

And finally, an overview of argumentative or persuasive techniques, which we will also discuss in this class: “Argumentative Essays”: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/5/

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