This ENG1101 course introduces concepts of critical writing and thinking along with skills integral to constructing and documenting a college-level essay. As a First Year Learning Community, we will pair with Psychology 1101 to explore the emotional impact of the first year college transition and consider ways to identify and deal with new stressors.

Category: Class Assignments (Page 4 of 5)

MLA Format: Directions and Links for Samples

Your next essay must incorporate elements of MLA formatting. Here is a quick overview of what is required this time around:

General Paper Format

  1. One inch margins
  2. Double-spaced
  3. Font: 12 pt Times New Roman or another standard font
  4. Heading double-spaced on the upper left corner of the first page:

First Page Information

  • Your name
  • Your instructor’s name
  • Course name
  • Date

Page Numbers

  • Header (upper right hand corner)
  • Your last name and Page number

Title of Your Essay

  • Centered above your text (no bold or italic fonts and no quotation marks)
  • Make your title original. Avoid single word titles or those such as Cause and Effect or Essay 2.

Refer to these online resources from the Purdue University On-LineWriting Lab:

Essay 2: Career Assessment Visit from the Counseling Center

Today, Cynthia Bink from Counseling Services spoke about the many services available through the College’s Counseling Center, including individual counseling and workshops available to facilitate better adjustment to college life. We spoke most, however, about the Career Assessment tools available online at in their offices. In addition to leaving handouts, you were all guided to the online career assessment tool Sigi3. You can go to the link below and click on Sigi3. If you did not get the passcode in class, email me to get this. (I can’t post it online.)

As instructed in class, as you plan and do personal research for Essay 2, you will be required to complete the surveys on SIGI that evaluate four aspects of your interests and values.

  • Under the category “Surveys” are four categories: Values, Interests, Personality, and Skills.
  • In the first three categories, there are three activities: Pairs, Cards, and Quick Picks. Do all of these!
  • As you take the assessments (remember they are not “tests”), write down a few notes to help you remember the experience of taking them.

After you have completed these activities look at the career recommendations suggested in your results and consider how your current career and life goals relate or don’t relate to these assessments. Do you agree with the results you got? Do you feel like you need to reassess? If you remember your “Holland Code,” what do you know from reflecting on that?

In today’s discussion,  we talked about how personal values can affect career choices. We’ve also discussed how family members have opinions that need to be considered but ultimately your college career is your own and you should approach it that way.


“Still Questioning Whether College Is Worth It? Read This”-from The Washington Post

We are using this article by Danielle Douglas-Gabriel for work on Essay 2. As you reflect on this and other class resources (the career assessment surveys and the goal setting exercises in The Companion) consider what getting a college degree means? Are there benefits beyond getting a better job? Douglas-Gabriel quotes Anthony Carnevale who states: “It is clear in the minds of most Americans that the enduring mission for colleges is to promote human flourishing, not just to make foot soldiers for capitalism.” What does this mean?

The FIX: Essay 1

In class today, we looked at how a student essay–one that was already strong and had the pieces of the essay already in place–could be made clearer with more examples. One point made is that the balance of your ideas and the integrated text is important! Your ideas should dominate the essay. Do not overquote or rely too much on the ideas of your sources. Tell the reader what you know.

THE FIX-FYLC Essay 1 Fall 2017
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