Starting the semester in our English 1101 class I felt as if I wasn’t the best writer out there. I came in thinking  that I wouldn’t get such great grades in my essays, which was the case at the beginning. After Professor Sears gave my peers and I such great writing tips and marking up my first essay, I felt great confidence to revise and get a higher grade. Since the beginning of the semester I feel like I improved a lot in analyzing  my quotes and making my paragraphs my words, not the authors.However, I still struggle in making a full planned thesis statement without feeling like I’m “rambling” on. Writing turned out to be more interesting than I thought. The part that I have learned to love is the events leading up to the writing. For examples, reading and searching for articles and our in class debates and in class discussion. I find it very interesting to hear everyone’s input and point of view making many notes in my head of how I will fill all of the information in my essay to plan early. Being in English 1101 has been me grow a lot as a writer and I can’t wait to continue and grow even more.