Week 15



  • Exam must be taken during the class period.
  • You must begin the test on-time and no time extension will be granted if started late.
  • You have 1 required attempt, and 2 optional attempts
    • The highest grade of all attempts will be counted.
    • Once the class period is over exam must be finished and submitted even if Blackboard indicates there is time remaining for the attempt.
  • Exam is on Blackboard.

Week 10

Exam 2 Today


  • Exam must be taken during the class period.
  • You must begin the test on-time and no time extension will be granted if started late.
  • You have 1 required attempt, and 2 optional attempts
    • The highest grade of all attempts will be counted.
    • Once the class period is over exam must be finished and submitted even if Blackboard indicates there is time remaining for the attempt.
  • Exam is on Blackboard.