Letter of Reference

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Gary Mai, supervisor at a school site at Brooklyn Chinese Association (BCA) and this letter serves to wholeheartedly recommend Estefani Montiel for a position as staff nurse.

BCA is an afterschool and summer camp program aimed to supplement children with academic help and recreational activities across the Brooklyn borough. Estefani has worked with us from 2011 through 2015 and based on her attitude and performance while working under my team, I have no doubt she would excel in her new path as a nurse.

Estefani has started off in BCA as an Assistant Camp Counselor and I had the honor of personally recommending her for a promotion to Camp Counselor after just one year of work which is quite uncommon. This position involves preparing lesson plans from scratch to be used during class and this responsibility is only entrusted to those that have the aptitude to develop engaging learning activities for the children. I have sampled some of her lesson plans and they are consistently made with the utmost care and consideration for whatever grade of children she oversees.

I am confident this level of passion for her work and her attention to detail will translate spectacularly to her new field. Children can be difficult to handle but of all the Camp Counselors I oversee, Estefani is certainly among the best at assessing a situation properly and handling it with poise and professionalism. During an outing to the park, two children were having a dispute over a game and I remember Estefani noticing this immediately and addressing the issue before it could escalate. She had a stern talk with them in a way that the kids could accept which is not an easy feat, and had them shake hands afterwards. The trip otherwise went off without a hitch and I remember being very impressed with Estefani and how she handled her students.

She is patient and empathetic and has a way of connecting with people; I envision this to be an invaluable asset for a nurse. I am excited to hear Estefani will be earning her Bachelor’s and moving on to an exciting profession where she can truly help others. She is studious and a diligent worker and this is clearly evident in her academic success. It was no surprise when she told me she would be finishing up her Bachelor’s just a year after completing the Associate’s program. My observations of her work at BCA show qualities that would make her an asset to any employer looking for a staff nurse.

Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information.


Gary Mai
Site Supervisor
Brooklyn Chinese American Association (BCA)